Other Publications & Events

In addition to the sourcebooks, a number of translations and research publications have grown out of the project, and a variety of events serve as platforms to present topical research and further discussion.

In the past, we have welcomed scholars such as Claus Leggewie and Aleida Assmann, writers such as Zafer Şenocak and Yoko Tawada, and artists such as Ursula Biemann, Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter at Berkeley, contributed to conferences such as Komik der Integration: Grenzpraktiken des Sozialen in Konstanz, and organized numerous workshops and film screenings.


Selected Publications by MGP Members

Layne, Priscilla. “One Like No Other? Blaxploitation in the Performance of Afro-German Rapper Lisi.” Journal for Popular Music 25, no. 2 (2013). 198-221.


Dickinson, Kristin. “Translating Surfaces: A Dual Critique of Modernity in Sabahattin Ali’s Kürk Mantolu Madonna.” Transit 9, no. 1 (2013).


Layne, Priscilla. “‘Schrei Whity, Schrei’: Sadomasochismus und Dynamiken der Macht in Fassbinders Whity (1970).” Minoritäten bei Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Nicole Colin, Özkan Ezli, Franziska Schößler and Nike Thurn, Eds. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012.


Gramling, David. “Mythical Realism in Feo Aladag’s Die Fremde (2010).” Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium. Sabine Hake and Barbara Mennel, Eds. New York: Berghahn, 2012.


Gramling, David, and Chantelle Warner. “Critical Multilingualism Studies: An Invitation.” Critical Multilingualism Studies I, no. 1 (2012)


Göktürk, Deniz. “World Cinema Goes Digital: Looking at Europe from the Other Shore.” Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium. Sabine Hake and Barbara Mennel, Eds. New York: Berghahn, 2012.


Göktürk, Deniz, Levent Soysal and Ipek Türeli, eds. Orienting Istanbul: Cultural Capital of Europe? London/New York: Routledge, 2010.


Göktürk, Deniz. “Sound Bridges: Transnational Mobility as Ironic Melodrama.” European Cinema in Motion: Migrant and Diasporic Cinema in Contemporary Europe. Ed. Daniela Berghahn and Claudia Sternberg. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010: 215-234.


Göktürk, Deniz. “Postcolonial Amnesia? Taboo Memories and Kanaks with Cameras.” Langbehn, Volker, ed. German Colonialism, Visual Culture, and Modern Memory. London/New York: Routledge, 2010.

Göktürk, Deniz. “Die höhnische Öffentlichkeit: Vom Fern-Sehen zum Nahkampf im Netz.” FEINDBILD 2.O (2010) http://www.feind-bild.net/texteblog/abstract/deniz-gokturk-die-hohnische-offentlichkeit

Göktürk, Deniz. “Jokes and Butts: Can We Imagine Humor in a Global Public Sphere?” PMLA, Vol. 123, No. 5 (October 2008): 1707-1711. http://www.mlajournals.org/toc/pmla/2008/123/5


Göktürk, Deniz.  “Verstöße gegen das Reinheitsgebot: Migrantenkino zwischen wehleidiger Pflichtübung und wechselseitigem Grenzverkehr.” Multikulturalismus und Populärkultur. Ed. Ruth Mayer and Mark Terkissidis. St. Andrä/Wördern: Hannibal Verlag, 1998.


Göktürk, Deniz. “Migration und Kino – Subnationale Mitleidskultur oder transnationale Rollenspiele?” Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland. Ein Handbuch. Ed. Carmine Chiellino. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2000.


Göktürk, Deniz. “Turkish delight – German fright: Migrant identities in transnational cinemas.” Mapping the Margins: Identity Politics and the Media. Ed. Deniz Derman and Karen Ross. Hampton Press, 2002.

Göktürk, Deniz. “Strangers in Disguise: Role Play beyond Identity Politics in Anarchic Film Comedy.” New German Critique 92 (Spring/Summer 2004). Special Issue on Multicultural Germany: Art, Performance and Media. Ed. Deniz Göktürk and Barbara Wolbert.

Dickinson, Kristin, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne. “Linguistic Rebellion in Feridun Zaimoglu’s Koppstoff.” Contemporary German Culture: Feridun Zaimoglu. Tom Cheesman and Karin E. Yesilada, Eds. Wales: University of Wales Press, 2012.


Layne, Priscilla. “Lessons in Liberation: Fassbinder’s Whity at the Crossroads of Hollywood Melodrama and Blaxploitation.” Companion to German Cinema. Terri Ginsberg and Andrea Mensch (Eds.) Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2012.


Translation into English by Kristin Dickson, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne. “The Knowledge Holder Doesn’t choke on Cleverness.” Excerpt from Feridun Zaimoglu’s Koppstoff: Kanaka Sprak vom Rande der Gesellschaft. Words Without Borders (Nov 2009).

Dickinson, Kristin, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne. “Translating Communities: Rethinking the Collective in Feridun Zaimoglu’s Koppstoff.” Transit 4, no. 1 (2008).


Past Event Highlights

Prof. Aleida Assmann, film screening and lecture, UC Berkeley, 2013

“Komik der Integration: Grenzpraktiken des Sozialen,” Universität Konstanz, 2013

Moving Europe Workshop Series on Cultural Memory and Migrant Archives, UC Berkeley, 2013

“Critical Perspectives on Werner Herzogʼs Lessons of Darkness,” UC Berkeley, 2012

“Erinnerungsorte und Kiezdeutsch,” UC Berkeley, 2012

“Orienting Europe: The Borders of Memory,” UC Berkeley, 2012

“Circulating Humor: Nonsense Politics,” UC Berkeley, 2012

“In Transit: A Panel on Migration & Multiculturalism”

“Scheinriesen der Integration: Bewegte Bildtopographien an den Rändern Europas”, lecture by Prof. Deniz Göktürk, Universität Konstanz, 2011

“Homeland in Parentheses: Wedding Scenes in Transnational Films,” UC Berkeley, 2011 “Translating Tawada,” Workshop with Susan Bernofsky, UC Berkeley, 2010

Sahara Chronicles, film screening and discussion with Ursula Biemann, 2010

Black Sea Files, film screening and discussion with Ursula Biemann, UC Berkeley, 2009

Omulaule Heißt Schwarz, Film Screening and Discussion, 2009

“‘Tear Down This Wall!’: Internet Art Circumventing Censorship and Unveiling Secret Prisons,” UC Berkeley, 2009

“Where Europe Continues…Translingual Writers and the Cosmopolitan Imagination, Readings and Discussion with Yoko Tawada and Zafer Şenocak, UC Berkeley, 2008

“Goodbye, Germany? Migration, Culture, and the Nation-State,” UC Berkeley, 2004