Workshop on Cinema & Migration: Homeland in Parentheses: Wedding Scenes in Transnational Films

Among migrant communities, wedding ceremonies are perhaps the most tangible enactments of cultural heritage and folklore. In films (such as Bride and Prejudice, Aram and Short Sharp and Shock), wedding scenes are used as an occasion to translate homeland and past into present space and time. They serve as key scenes to reflect on ties between migrant communities and homelands. Films representing different transnational communities such as exiled diasporas, postcolonial communities, or economic migrants, perform these relations in different fashion. The presentation will focus on stylistic and contextual choices in selected cinematic wedding scenes and open them up to an analytical discussion that will also encompass the opening film of the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival Almanya.

A Workshop on Cinema & Migration

Homeland in Parentheses: Wedding Scenes in Transnational Films

Assist. Prof. Özgür Yaren 
(YYU Faculty of Fine Arts, Van, Turkey)

282 Dwinelle, University of California, Berkeley


2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

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