Tag Archives: immigration
Book Review: “Deutschland allein zu Haus”
As part of their work for the Multicultural Germany undergraduate seminar at UC Berkeley, students in the course have reviewed recent German books relating in various ways to topics of migration, multiculturalism, and contemporary German identity. Sara Sellami reviewed Osman … Continue reading
Deutschland allein zu Haus
Book review by UC Berkeley undergraduate Sara Sellami: Deutschland allein zu Haus is a novel written by the Turkish-German author, Osman Engin, and was published in 2013. The book tells the story of a Turkish-German family coming back from vacations … Continue reading
Multicultural Germany Class: Week 4, Defining “German”
This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week’s summary is by Preethi Kandhalu: The “Multicultural Germany” class started off the week with an interesting presentation … Continue reading
Berkeley Exchange Students Reflect on German Identity
MGP research assistant Judith Sijstermans discusses questions of German and European identity with Shenshen Wang, Nora Schroder, and Svenja Von Itter from the University of Konstanz: In fall 2013, Shenshen Wang, Nora Schröder and Svenja Von Itter came to Berkeley from … Continue reading
Ali au pays des mirages (Ali in Wonderland )
Arab life in Paris is seen from the perspective of this Algerian director (Ahmed Rachidi) as he explores issues relating to the French drive to deport Arab workers, and the workers views as to whether or not they would want … Continue reading
“Nächstes Jahr kehren wir zurück…”. Die Geschichte der türkischen “Gastarbeiter” in der Bundesrepublik
Als die Bundesanstalt für Arbeit 1961 eine Anwerbestelle in der Türkei einrichtete, geschah dies in der Absicht, dort lediglich den Ersatzbedarf an “Gastarbeitern” zu decken. Bis zum Anwerbestopp 1973 reisten allerdings etwa 865.000 überwiegend männliche türkische Arbeitskräfte in die Bundesrepublik. … Continue reading
Septembertee oder Das geliehene Leben
In ihrem 50. Lebensjahr steht Renan Demirkan am Grab ihrer Mutter in deren türkischem Heimatdorf, erinnert sich noch einmal an die gemeinsamen Jahre und fragt nach den Vorstellungen von Leben und Glück, die ihre Generation mit der ihrer Mutter zugleich … Continue reading
Immigration and Economy in Europe
In Stephan Theil’s “The Incredible Shrinking Continent,” he writes that though immigrants are being scapegoated for the economic crises in Europe they are actually necessary for future economic growth. Immigration is inevitable, so Europe should accept the influx and use … Continue reading
Abschied vom falschen Paradies (Farewell to False Paradise)
Elif, a Turkish immigrant in Germany has been sent to prison for murdering her abusive husband. At the time of her imprisonment she has never ventured outside the Turkish community and even there has no friends. Ironical in prison, among … Continue reading