Tag Archives: assimilation
“A Roma Teen’s Fight to Stay in Germany”
“A Roma Teen’s Fight to Stay in Germany” Spiegel Online
Dispelling the Myth of ‘Parallel Societies’: Are Berlin’s Muslims a Model for Integration?
This article discusses the new report by the Open Society Institute, “Muslims in Berlin,” a study that focuses on Berlin’s Kreuzberg district and tells of a fairly positive story of integration. Far from being a parallel society, and contrary to … Continue reading
Neighbors in German Capital in Uproar over Iraqi Building
Berliners of the Dahlem district have already filed “not-in-my-backyard” legal complaints against an allegedly self-proclaimed new Iraqi embassy. Many fear that creating the equivalent of a new embassy for such a politically sensitive country in the posh neighborhood of Dahlem … Continue reading
Germany’s Turks don’t need Papa Erdoğan or Mutti Merkel
This article is interesting because it touches upon the fact that both the German and Turkish governments argue about how to best serve the Turkish immigrants in Germany without really knowing exactly what that entails because both sides are so … Continue reading
Court to Decide if East Germans are Ethnic Group
This week in Stuttgart a labor court will decide on the issue of East German ethnic identity after a East German born woman filed a anti-discrimination lawsuit against a West German window manufacturer for rejecting her application on the basis … Continue reading
The Third Generation: German Jihad Colonies Sprout Up in Waziristan
The following article from the Spiegel discusses the third generation of Islamist terrorists since 9/11 and their relatively swift radicalization and departure for Jihad training grounds around the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The article focuses mainly on the story … Continue reading
Two conversations pt. 2: Merkel rebuffs call for Turkish schools in Germany
Soon after the Turkish Prime Minister’s call for fully-Turkish secondary schools to be established in Germany, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has come out to reject the PM’s plans, calling for integration through learning the German language and German customs. Many … Continue reading
Two conversations pt. 1: Turkish schools in Germany would ‘show respect’ for culture
Recently, the Turkish Prime Minister has suggested establishing fully-Turkish language teaching secondary (high) schools in Germany. The article is an interview conducted between Deutsche-Welle and Ulrich Raiser, a member of Network Migration in Europe, an EU partly-financed think tank. Mr. … Continue reading
It Makes No Sense to Ban the Burqa
This article is about the purported banning of the burqua and niqab in Belgium, following France’s lead in proposing legislation that would outlaw the wearing of these religious garments in the public sphere. The author of this article does raise … Continue reading
It’s Time For Turkey To Snap Out Of Its Self-Delusion
Conflict ensues over the establishment of Turkish high schools to promote integration in Germany. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is putting pressure on German politicians to “see the signs of the times,” having recently lobbied for the Turkish diaspora … Continue reading
“Merkel offen fuer tuerkische Schulen in Deutschland” (Merkel is open towards Turkish schools in Germany)
The article “Merkel offen fuer tuerkische Schulen in Deutschland” (Merkel is open towards Turkish schools in Germany) talks about how chancellor Angela Merkel met with Minister-President Erdogan in Turkey this past week. They discussed the topic of Turkish schools in … Continue reading
Merkel gegen türkische Gymnasien in Deutschland
Angela Merkel spoke out against the suggestion by Tayyip Erdogan to open solely Turkish high schools in Germany. Not only German politicians were against his suggestions; the Türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland also said that exclusive high schools were counterproductive towards … Continue reading
“Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with chancellor Merkel about visa”)
The article “Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with Chancellor Merkel about visa”) addresses the issue of visa-free travel into the EU. Turkish citizens are dissatisfied by the fact that they still have to apply … Continue reading
“Sarrazin vergrault tuerkische Waehler” (Sarrazin Scares Away Turkish Voters)
The article “Sarrazin vergrault tuerkische Waehler” (Sarrazin Scares Away Turkish Voters) discusses how SPD member Thilo Sarrazin recently made inappropriate, racist comments about integration, more precisely about German-Turks. An example of a comment he made is “kleine Kopftuchmaedchen” (small head … Continue reading
Mouthpieces for Turkish Interests
Recently leaders of Turkish decent around Europe have been enticed to join in all-expense paid events in Istanbul. These events were organized by the Turkish government and led by the conservative-religious Justice and Development (AKP) party with a wide array … Continue reading