Tag Archives: assimilation
Turkish culture club firebombed in Münster
A recent string of attacks on a Turkish consulate and a Turkish culture club in the city of Münster are believed to have been carried out by individuals of Kurdish background. This article mentions some of the tensions between Kurds … Continue reading
Türken größter Anteil Etwas weniger Ausländer in Deutschland
The article “Türken größter Anteil: Etwas weniger Ausländer in Deutschland” talks about immigrants in Germany. According to the article, the number of immigrants in Germany decreased this past year compared to preceding years. However, the number of EU-citizens in Germany … Continue reading
Islam for the Diaspora
This article addresses the role of imams in Germany and anxieties that exist about the nature of Islamic instruction there. As German schools lack training in the Islamic faith, Muslim congregations have been importing imams. One Islamic organization that trains … Continue reading
This was an interesting article in the online addition of Der Spiegel where students sent fictitious resumes to German companies under a Turkish and a German alias. The study proved that discrimination existed in the job market regardless of qualification, … Continue reading
Too Left for Germany
Jannine Menger Hamilton is an immigrant who was raised and educated in Germany. Hamilton appears to be the star example of successful integration and yet she is being denied naturalization because she is a member of a leftist party which … Continue reading
Dresdner bilden Menschenkette gegen Fremdenhass
The article “Dresdner bilden Menschenkette gegen Fremdenhass” depicts the scene that took place on February 13th, 2010, where 15.000 people in Dresden formed a line in remembrance of the night and the victims of the bombings of February 13th, 1945. … Continue reading
Leading conservative calls for more immigrant naturalisation
In this article it is suggested that a more successful integration can be achieved if Germany worked harder at naturalizing members of its large immigrant population. In this way a more inclusive environment could perhaps open up a discourse to … Continue reading
Muslims in the EU don’t feel accepted, prefer to live in mixed society
A recent study from the end of 2009 examines the livelihoods of Muslim immigrants living throughout Europe – the survey focused on residents of 11 European cities. According to the article, there is a common view that Muslims do not wish … Continue reading
Turks face integration challenges in Germany
This article focuses on the difficulty Turkish Germans have when trying to claim a German identity. It brings up problems in defining German identity, where one woman appears to have been well-integrated as a child — dressing like other German … Continue reading
Far-Right Rhetoric Germany’s Very Own Minaret Debate Turns Nasty
This article speaks to the recent debate over the building of minarets on mosques in many countries within the European Union. It is another instance of contention over the perceived “Islamicization” of Europe through the increased visibility of Islam in … Continue reading
Banning the ‘Burqa’: France’s Quest to maintain its Secular Identity
The article “Banning the ‘Burqa’: France’s Quest to maintain its Secular Identity” deals with the ban of the full veil. According to the article, a parliamentary committee has recommended full veils in France. This happened a few months after President … Continue reading
Music Video “(Ich bin ein) Ausländer” by Alpa Gun
This music video “(Ich bin ein) Auslaender” by Alpa Gun, a German rapper with Turkish origin (www.wikipedia.org), depicts the integrations problem of immigrants, particularly the children and grandchildren of the Post-World War II generation. These people were often born in … Continue reading
‘We Are Not Really Germans’ New Study Looks at Challenges Faced by Germany’s Muslims
This article speaks to the many difficulties Muslim immigrants living in Germany face with regard to finding work and participating in the public sphere. These issues not only effect new immigrants but also second and third generation children of foreign … Continue reading
Deutsche Unis sollen Imame ausbilden
This article is about recent university developments in Germany. It states that universities are making moves to broaden their theology programs to include further study of Islam. The response has been fairly positive and the Muslim, particularly the Turkish, communities … Continue reading
Hagen Rether ausländerfeindliche Stimmung und Hetze
Comedian Hagen Rether uses his act to inform as well as criticize politicians and the media on the topic of immigrants and integration in German society. Videos of his acts can be found here